Oregon State University Telecommuting Agreement

Oregon State University Telecommuting Agreement: Guidelines for Remote Work

Telecommuting has become a popular trend in the modern world, with more organizations embracing the concept. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the adoption of remote work and made it a necessity for many businesses.

Oregon State University (OSU) recognizes the benefits of telecommuting, including increased productivity, reduced commuting expenses, and improved work-life balance. However, the university also recognizes the challenges that come with remote work, such as communication barriers, distractions, and lack of supervision.

To address these issues, OSU has developed a telecommuting agreement that outlines the guidelines and expectations for remote work. The policy applies to both employees and supervisors who participate in telecommuting arrangements.

The following are some of the key provisions of the Oregon State University Telecommuting Agreement:

Eligibility and Approval

OSU employees who wish to telecommute must discuss the matter with their supervisors and obtain approval. The request for telecommuting should be made in writing and include the reason for the request, the proposed schedule, and the plan for maintaining productivity and communication.

The supervisor will review the request and determine whether the employee meets the eligibility criteria. Factors such as job duties, performance, and work environment will be considered.

Work Hours and Schedule

Telecommuting employees are required to maintain regular work hours and adhere to the same schedule as their in-office colleagues. They must be available during their scheduled work hours and reachable by phone, email, or other means of communication.

The telecommuting schedule may be adjusted as needed, with the approval of the supervisor. However, the employee must ensure that they meet their work expectations and deadlines.

Equipment and Resources

OSU will provide telecommuting employees with the necessary equipment, such as laptops and software, to perform their job duties. The employee is responsible for ensuring the security of the equipment and complying with the university`s policies and procedures regarding data protection.

The employee must also have a reliable internet connection and a suitable workspace that meets the ergonomic standards set by the university.

Communication and Collaboration

Telecommuting employees must maintain regular communication with their supervisors and colleagues. They must participate in meetings, respond to emails and messages promptly, and use the university`s communication tools to stay connected.

The telecommuting arrangement should not hinder collaboration and teamwork. The employee should make arrangements to visit the office as needed and participate in team-building activities.

Performance and Evaluation

Telecommuting employees are held to the same performance standards as their in-office colleagues. They must meet their job duties, achieve their goals, and maintain the same level of productivity.

The supervisor will evaluate the employee`s performance based on the same criteria used for in-office employees. The telecommuting arrangement may be terminated if the employee`s performance or conduct does not meet the university`s expectations.


The Oregon State University Telecommuting Agreement provides a framework for employees and supervisors to work together to facilitate remote work arrangements. It outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and guidelines for telecommuting, ensuring that the remote work arrangement does not hinder productivity, communication, or collaboration.

At OSU, telecommuting is seen as a useful tool for promoting work-life balance and employee satisfaction. However, it is critical to ensure that the telecommuting arrangement is implemented in a way that benefits both the employee and the university. With a clear telecommuting policy in place, OSU can continue to support its employees` flexible work arrangements while maintaining the high standards of work expected of them.

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